What is the difference between paneer and cheese?

difference between paneer and cheese

Paneer and cheese are delicious, versatile, and easy to make at home. But how do you know which one to use when? In this article, we’ll explain the difference between paneer and cheese so that you can pick the right product for your recipe.

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Paneer is fresh, unsalted, uncured cheese.

Paneer is fresh, unsalted, uncured cheese, while cheese can be fresh or aged.

In the digital age, Alberta online casino have become a popular pastime, offering a variety of games to keep players entertained from the comfort of their homes. While many people indulge in virtual slots or strategic card games, others may consider culinary delights. One such question that often arises is the difference between paneer and cheese. Paneer, a staple of Indian cuisine, is a fresh curd made by curdling milk with an acid such as lemon juice or vinegar, resulting in a soft, crumbly texture that is ideal for dishes such as palak paneer or mattar paneer. Cheese, on the other hand, encompasses a wide range of dairy products made using different fermentation and aging methods that produce a wide range of textures and flavors, from the sharp tang of cheddar to the creamy richness of brie. Although both paneer and cheese are made from milk, their production processes and culinary applications differ, offering different flavor experiences to both virtual gaming and gastronomy enthusiasts in Alberta and beyond.

To make paneer, you need:

  • 1 litre of milk (full cream)
  • ¼ teaspoon of citric acid dissolved in 1 tsp water
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar (lemon juice is healthier and more natural than vinegar)

Pour the milk into a heavy bottom pan and heat it slowly on medium flame. Once the milk starts to boil, add citric acid solution to it and stir gently for about 2 minutes till the curd becomes soft. Now drain all but one cup of whey from this mixture using a fine mesh strainer lined with a muslin cloth so that we have only solid mass left behind in our bowl, giving us paneer after pressing later. Discard the remaining liquid portion completely, as you don’t want fat elements in your paneer-making process!

Further Reading: Veg Momos: A healthier alternative

Paneer is a fresh cheese with a mild, neutral taste, while cheese is aged and can have a strong, sharp taste.

Paneer is fresh and has a mild neutral taste, while cheese can be fresh or aged. The word “paneer” comes from the Persian word for milk, which was adopted by Indian languages as well. In contrast, cheese is an English word derived from the Latin term causes meaning “cheese.”

The Difference Between Cheese And Paneer
Credits: foodsguy.com

However, it’s important to note that some examples of paneer are aged—the main difference here is how long they’ve been ageing: it will always be fresh (unaged), while cheese can either be fresh or aged.

Further Reading: For all peri peri lovers, try out this delicious peri peri paneer pakoda and share it with your family and friends.

Paneer goes from cow to block in a matter of hours, while cheese may take weeks, months or even years to make.

While they start with milk, they take different paths once made. Paneer is an unaged fresh cheese, while cheese is an aged hard form that can be soft or crumbly. This ageing process can take anywhere from a few weeks to years!

Paneer goes from cow to block in a matter of hours because it isn’t heated as part of the process. Instead, all you have to do is press out any excess water and press it into a square shape before baking it in hot oil until golden brown on all sides. The result? A completely firm block of paneer that’s ready for your recipes!

You can make paneer at home with the right tools, but it is much easier to find paneer made locally than to find local cheeses.

They both can be made at home if you have the right tools, but it’s much easier to find paneer made locally than to find local cheeses.

Cottage chese is also easier and faster to make than cheese. It takes just 20 minutes of active work, while you may need an entire day for many types of cheeses.

Further Reading: Authentic Chole Bhature recipe


Paneer and cheese are both dairy products, but they have some important differences. Paneer is a fresh, unsalted, uncured cheese made from whole milk coagulated with lemon juice or vinegar. Cheese is age and can have a strong, sharp taste as well as high-fat content. The process of making paneer takes hours, while the process of making it may take weeks or months, depending on its type.

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  • […] you’re looking for something to put on your grocery list, avoid these refrigerated foods: paneer, ice cream, and frozen pizza. Paneer is a type of cheese that’s typically made in India. It […]

  • Akanksha , March 2, 2023 @ 9:53 pm

    Good and easy way to make difference b/w cheese n paneer ThankYou

  • Anonymous , April 19, 2024 @ 1:26 pm


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